Capacitate Stakeholders

All children should have free access to quality education. Education is often a ticket to a job and an income in poor countries can mean the difference between life and death. Believing that education is the single most effective means of empowering individuals to break the poverty cycle and access to education is an essential component in an individual’s development. ADWSO’s education assistance aims to reach the disadvantaged and marginalized people through the provision of more equitable access to quality education. ADWSO designs programs that meet the basic educational needs of children and adults, primarily women and the disabled. Our education programs include:

• Provision of primary education for children,
• Conducting basic literacy and numeracy training,
• Organizing basic education for adults and support for tertiary training institutions


Capacity Development

  • ADWSO has been actively participating in institutional of good practices and facilitate the organizations to fulfill their strategic goals. Lack of capacity is consistently creating blockages. This includes inadequate necessary human skills and systems that could lead to the attainment of the organizational portfolio. Our capacity-building programs consist of technical and soft skill courses in the field of human resources, gender development, good governance, leadership, and entrepreneurship. We are equipped with the latest techniques, best practices are drawn from the rich educational subject experts, the experience of a pool of resource persons, a core team, faculty members, packed with ideas of education that can help to literally promotion. Under this program, ADWSO committed to:
    • Enhance the capacity of the local community and governmental organization staff.
    • Promote good governance through identifying and streamlining process, practices, and systems
    • Support entrepreneurs and provide evidence-based business skills capacity-building opportunities.