About Company

Anti Corruption

The absence of significant government causes several problems and one is corruption and in this regard, CSOs can play a revitalizing role ineffective application of the law. ADWSO feels assignment in advocating and in promotion of transparent organization to contribute to the supporting of the government of Afghanistan by facilitating anti-corruption strategies through public participation and building participative approaches to stop tolerance of corruption culture in government and non-government organization in northern provinces.  ADWSO assists the Government of Afghanistan in combating corruption.

The objective of the ADWSO is to:

Offer timely state-of-the-art education, training, and information sharing to develop the required knowledge and investigation skills needed to detect corruption.

Train students on how to pursue the relevant evidence necessary to confirm corrupt conduct.

To provide counseling services and orientation programs on issues of corruption

To seek affiliation with national and international organizations with similar and related objectives with a view of actualizing our set goals.

ADWSO implemented several projects in combating corruption, one of the examples is an anti-corruption project with the support of Tawanmandi and the components of the project was introducing hotline numbers for people, outreach via medias condemning corruption, campaign, informative flyers & posters and religious Mulas (religious leader) participation in order to involve people to struggle against corruption via mosque speech delivery.